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絕育常見問題 Desexing Q&A

我屋企附近有流浪貓 ,你們會派人黎捉去嗎?
There are some stray cats near my home, will you send someone to trap them?
Animal Friends does not have manpower, time and resources to go and trap cats. Sorry about that.
However, we hope that you will help the cats close by your home area. Please contact us and we are happy to share the methods.

貓狗幾多個月大可絕育 ?
How old should the cats and dogs get desexed?
大概 5 個月大 Around 5 months old

I am not sure about their age, how to tell?
換齊成年牙齒代表已可絕育 All permanent teeth grown means the animal is old enough for desexing.