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動物朋友 Animal Friends

Endless Breeding. Never-Ending Suffering.
動物朋友倉地村落貓狗免費絕育 community animal free desexing neuter and spay
Community Animal Free Desexing

Jessie Ng 吳小姐

9229 9494

Ivy Lam 林小姐  

9168 3119

Phoebe Lo 羅小姐 

6132 5151

Contact us to arrange or inquire about free desexing services for stray or semi-stray animals.  
動物朋友 Animal Friends

​1. Cats and dogs' ears are clipped to indicate desexing.

2. Free desexing is available at designated clinics for cats and dogs living on the streets (stray/semi-stray) to prevent overbreeding.

3. Not applicable for cats and dogs awaiting adoption or already adopted, and those living in public housing, subsidized housing, or private buildings.

4. Animal Friends is not responsible for capturing and transporting animals.

​5. Animal Friends reserves the right to final approval.

動物朋友 Animal Friends
​DESEXING to avoid abandonment

Please support community animals desexing 

Our mission in action
動物朋��友 Animal Friends
動物朋友 Animal Friends
動物朋友 Animal Friends
動物朋友 Animal Friends

Mission in Action - Combat the root cause of stray cat and dogs


Animal Friends is a registered non-profit organization in Hong Kong, driven by  volunteers who believe that the only way to truly improve the welfare of stray animals is to address the root of the problem. We are dedicated to providing free sterilization services for cats and dogs living in remote communities and villages, while also educating pet owners on the importance of this procedure.

Since our establishment in 2010, and thanks to the individuals that support and donate to Animal Friends, we have been able to desex over 18,800 animals, 75% of which were females. This means we have successfully prevented the birth of thousands of unwanted litters, reducing the heartbreaking tragedies of abandoned and euthanized innocent lives.

But Animal Friends does not stop there. We are also committed to educating pet owners on proper animal care, such as providing clean water and food, as well as general care knowledge. This ensures that these beloved companions receive the respect and treatment they deserve, alleviating their suffering. By changing people's mindsets and behaviors from the ground up, we can make a real difference in the lives of animals.

We urge you to join us in our mission to reduce animal abandonment and ensure that every life is cared for and respected. Even the smallest contribution from you can bring hope to these vulnerable creatures. Together, we can make this world a better place for all.




Female Cat



Female Dog



Male Cat



Male Dog


2010- SEP2024
Total desexing figure  18872

Why does Animal Friends offer Free Desexing?

The cost of neutering ranges from $1,000 to $3,000, which not everyone can afford. Stray cats and dogs in villages and communities are often numerous, and not neutering them will only worsen the problem, leading to neglect, hunger, accidents, and even death.


Encouraging feeders to bring their cats and dogs to clinics for free neutering can improve animal health and prevent thousands of unwanted births.


If you have stray cats and dogs, please take the extra step to neuter them. Spread the message and donate to Animal Friends if you support neutering. Thank you!"

動物朋友免費絕育 Animal Friends Community Animal Free Desexing
Hong Kong Semi-Stray Cats and Dogs

Semi-stray Cats and Dogs
in Hong Kong

Despite being a small international city, Hong Kong has many villages and communities in the northwest New Territories where most cats and dogs are not pets and become stray animals due to lack of protection and care.

  • In the villages and communities of the New Territories, merchants and villagers keep cats and dogs to control rodents and guard their homes, allowing them to roam freely, a practice known as 'free-roaming.'

  • However, most of these animals receive inadequate care, eating leftovers and drinking from mossy water dishes. They scavenge for food in garbage dumps, and if tied up or trapped, they may go hungry for life.

  • Due to a lack of awareness or financial constraints, owners do not neuter their animals, leading to continuous breeding and the suffering of innocent lives. These animals face hunger, illness, injury, abandonment, and death, trapped in a cycle of tragedy.

  • Some are given away to unsuitable owners, perpetuating the cycle and subjecting more lives to misfortune.

<< The Endless Cycle of Dog Breeding >>

These are all familiar stories, have you encountered them?

Female dogs can give birth at 6 months old, twice a year, with 6-10 puppies each time.

To reduce the number of stray animals, please have your dogs neutered."

Anchor 1
Endless breeding
Benefits of desexing

Benefits of desexing​​​

  • Cats and dogs can be neutered at around 5 months old. Neutering is the most effective and humane way to control animal populations, and it also has many benefits for animal health and the community.


  • Desexing reduces anxiety and reproductive disease in female pets and makes them physically stronger. Neutered male pets are more focused on guarding their homes and less likely to roam or fight, reducing injuries and community disturbances.

 Desexing Q&A

 At what age my dog can be desexed? My cat just give birth, when is she ready for the surgery?

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Please donate and support

Animal Friends


100% Volunteer Organization  0% Administration Fee

Community Animal Free desexing


Animal Friends Medical Fund


ANimal Friends Foodbank

Donate to Animal Friends


Please donate and support

Animal Friends


100%義工組織 0% 行政費 

100% Volunteer Organization

0% Administration Fee





Animal friends limited



Bank of China


Hang Seng Bank


每月捐款 Monthly donation thru bank account

Set up "Recurring instruction" on your online banking page.



Payable to " Animal Friends Limited

Please post a cheque to ​

Latitude CPA Limited c/o Animal Friends

Unit 1821, 18/F., Star House,

3 Salisbury Road, Tsimshatsui,

Kowloon, Hong Kong.

Love THEM For Life

help them forever

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動物朋友 Animal Friends
動物朋友 Animal Friends


animal friends community animal desexing monthly figure album

This photo album chronicles our years-long efforts to desex the cats and dogs in rural areas. Since 2013, we have meticulously recorded the number of animals we successfully desexed each month, and lovingly captured their faces in these pages.

As you flip through this album, you will see the living conditions and health status of these animals. Some are female dogs in a constant cycle of breeding, while others are innocent puppies. We may not be able to ensure they are healthy and well-fed for life, but we can at least desex them to stop the endless cycle of reproduction. After desexing, their health and living situation often improve. Each photo represents the result of our dedicated care and protection.

We hope you will take the time to browse through this album and feel the impact of our work. Please consider supporting our efforts to provide care and compassion for these helpless animal friends. Together, we can make a difference in their lives.

養牠還是害牠?Keeping or ruining a life? | 動物朋友 Animal Friends
動物朋友 Animal Friends
動物朋友倉地村落貓狗絕育 Animal Friends Community Animal Desexing
動物朋友倉地村落貓狗絕育 Animal Friends Community Animal Desexing
動物朋友倉地村落貓狗絕育 Animal Friends Community Animal Desexing
動物朋友倉地村落貓狗絕育 Animal Friends Community Animal Desexing
Animal Friends 動物朋友
動物朋友倉地村落貓狗絕育 Animal Friends Community Animal Desexing
動物朋友倉地村落貓狗絕育 Animal Friends Community Animal Desexing
動物朋友倉地村落貓狗絕育 Animal Friends Community Animal Desexing
動物朋友倉地村落貓狗絕育 Animal Friends Community Animal Desexing
動物朋友倉地村落貓狗絕育 Animal Friends Community Animal Desexing
動物朋友倉地村落貓狗絕育 Animal Friends Community Animal Desexing
Animal Friends 動物朋友
動物朋友倉地村落貓狗絕育 Animal Friends Community Animal Desexing
動物朋友 TNR Animal Friends
Animal Friends 動物朋友
Animal Friends 動物朋友
Animal Friends 動物朋友
Animal Friends 動物朋友
動物朋友 Animal Friends
Animal Friends 動物朋友
動物朋友 Animal Friends
Animal Friends 動物朋友
動物朋友 Animal Friends
動物朋友倉地村落貓狗絕育 Animal Friends Community Animal Desexing
動物朋友倉地村落貓狗絕育 Animal Friends Community Animal Desexing
動物朋友倉地村落貓狗絕育 Animal Friends Community Animal Desexing
動物朋友 Animal Friends
動物朋友倉地村落貓狗絕育 Animal Friends Community Animal Desexing
動物朋友倉地村落貓狗絕育 Animal Friends Community Animal Desexing
動物朋友倉地村落貓狗絕育 Animal Friends Community Animal Desexing
動物朋友倉地村落貓狗絕育 Animal Friends Community Animal Desexing
動物朋友倉地村落貓狗絕育 Animal Friends Community Animal Desexing
動物朋友倉地村落貓狗絕育 Animal Friends Community Animal Desexing
動物朋友倉地村落貓狗絕育 Animal Friends Community Animal Desexing
動物朋友倉地村落貓狗絕育 Animal Friends Community Animal Desexing
動物朋友倉地村落貓狗絕育 Animal Friends Community Animal Desexing
動物朋友 Animal Friends
動物朋友倉地村落貓狗絕育 Animal Friends Community Animal Desexing
動物朋友倉地村落貓狗絕育 1019
動物朋友倉地村落貓狗絕育 0719
動物朋友倉地村落貓狗絕育 0919
動物朋友倉地村落貓狗絕育 0819
動物朋友倉地村落貓狗絕育 Animal Friends Community Animal Desexing
動物朋友倉地村落貓狗絕育 Animal Friends Community Animal Desexing
動物朋友倉地村落貓狗絕育 Animal Friends Community Animal Desexing
mar 19
動物朋友倉地村落貓狗絕育 Animal Friends Community Animal Desexing
動物朋友倉地村落貓狗絕育 Animal Friends Community Animal Desexing
動物朋友倉地村落貓狗絕育 Animal Friends Community Animal Desexing
動物朋友倉地村落貓狗絕育 Animal Friends Community Animal Desexing
動物朋友倉地村落貓狗絕育 Animal Friends Community Animal Desexing
動物朋友倉地村落貓狗絕育 Animal Friends Community Animal Desexing
動物朋友倉地村落貓狗絕育 Animal Friends Community Animal Desexing
動物朋友倉地村落貓狗絕育 Animal Friends Community Animal Desexing
動物朋友倉地村落貓狗絕育 Animal Friends Community Animal Desexing
Anchor 2
Anchor 2
Monthly Desexing Figure Album

Animal Friends Medical Fund

When arranging for the neutering of cats and dogs, we often encounter animals that are seriously injured or ill, some of which are even in danger of losing their lives. Therefore, in addition to neutering and providing food, our medical expenses are also very high. We hope that everyone can donate and help these animals through difficult times



ANimal Friends Foodbank

動物朋友 Animal Friends

We fundraise for food every month to provide for 600 stray animals in shelters and those still wandering the streets, improving their living conditions and ensuring they have enough to eat. We also provide food to low-income/elderly pet owners, hoping to alleviate the suffering of their cats and dogs from hunger.

醫療 Medical
動物朋友食物銀行 Animal Friends Food Bank
Beautiful Landscape

Animals affected under redevelopment

More get desexed, less get suffered in government's resumption of land learn more...

動物朋友 Animal Friends

Leaflet Distribution. Learn More...

About Animal Friends

LEARN More about us

Phoebe Lo     Jessie Ng     Ivy Lam

We are Animal Friends 

動物朋友 Animal Friends

Phoebe Lo  6132 5151

Jessie Ng     9229 9494

Ivy Lam      9168 3119

動物朋友 Animal Friends

Financial Reports

100% volunteer organisation with 0% administration cost

Assurance Report For Fund Rasing Activity.  Public Subscription no.

AWD 2014/045/1
Audit reports

動物朋友最新動態 Animal Friends Latest Update


電郵地址 Email Address

動物朋友 Animal Friends




In 2023, we desexed over 1,400 cats and dogs, with more than 900 females. This remarkable achievement was made possible thanks to the support of clinics, medical staff, volunteers and donors.

Animal Friends has remained steadfast in tackling the root cause of the stray animal problem. Over the past 14 years, we have provided free desexing services to over 18,000 cats and dogs living in remote communities. We hope to see more animals in villages and communities being well-cared for and respected in the future.

Please lend a hand and support our desexing efforts. By desexing, we can reduce animal abandonment and ensure every life is given the care and protection they deserve.


你可以幫助嗎? Can you help? 



Be a volunteer

唐狗BB女, 約2個月大, 乖巧活潑.  免費領養, 只願有個可照顧她一生的家,


Donation box display


懸掛單張/橫額 Flyer/Banner display

動物朋友 Animal Friends


​流浪貓狗絕育 Stray animal free Neutering

除了動物朋友,香港有3個團體也有提供免費絕育, 彼此目標一致,認同絕育是要減少流浪動物的最有效方法。

In addition to Animal Friends, there are three other organizations in Hong Kong that offer free neutering services. They share the same goal and recognize that neutering is the most effective way to reduce stray animal populations.

希望大家可行多一步, 主動幫助身邊的小朋友, 帶牠們去絕育, 不要怕麻煩啊! 每個團體都有不同做法, 請先了解。

We hope you can also help the animals by bringing the animals to have free desexing.  Free desexing surgeries offered by charities may differ from each other.  Please contact them directly for more information.   (所有免費絕育不適用於有品種動物, 例如貴婦, 柴犬, 芝娃娃等 Pure breeds animals are not eligible) 




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